1 review(s)
MRP: 1680
IBO Price: 1200
BP: 480

Sea buckthorn has a rich history of use in treating numerous medical conditions. It has been called a "Wonder" plant in many Asian countries, including China, India, and Pakistan. The berries have been used for more than 2,000 years as a medicine and food additive in Europe, Russia, and Asia.

Mythically believed to be the "Sanjivani Booti" from the Ramayana, Seabuckthorn berry found only in the snow-capped mystical hills of Leh - Ladakh where human feet rarely dare to step.

The berry is a thorny shrub that contains a high amount of vitamin-C, Calcium along with Vitamin A, B1, B2, E and K. It also contains over 100 essential nutrients good for human growth process. Consumption of the berry also help maintain energy levels, promotes healthy respiratory track, fights skin damages and reduces cholesterol levels.Sea buckthorn ( Himalayan Berry) is the only fruit in the world which contains Omega 3, 6, 9 and rarest omega 7. It is a good antioxidant and helps to boost immunity. Beneficial for hair, skin, digestion. This nutritious drink is enriched with the goodness of 190 natural nutrients including 8 vitamins, 24 minerals and 18 amino acids, etc. This fruit Nectar is the best for all as it contains 0 gm of cholesterol. Its Antioxidants fight cell-damaging free radicals provide anti-ageing benefits and supports healthy cell reproduction.

Weight management and weight loss:-
Taken internally, omega 7 fatty acid signals the body to stop storing fat. Clinical studies have shown that, not only do users melt away fat, but they also keep it off for longer periods.

Rich In Vitamin C:-
Studies have proven that the vitamin C content of Sea Buckthorn is 4 to 100 fold higher than many other fruits or vegetables.

Cancers, Stress And Healthy Skin:-
Out of 600 Carotenoids known in nature 39 have been identified in Sea Buckthorn. Carotenoids are a major source of Vitamin A. Carotenoids particularly B-Carotene and Cantaxathine act as anti-carcinogen and anti-swelling, therefore safeguard from some kinds of skin cancers. Sea Buckthorn is therefore especially good for maintaining healthy skin. Carotenoids raise physical and physiological capacity to work in stress conditions.

Q: Which Organizations have Endorsed Sea Buckthorn?
A: In India, The Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has endorsed and recognizes the immense benefits of Sea Buckthorn. It recommends Sea Buckthorn for soldiers of the Indian Army especially those serving in high altitudes.

Q: What does Sea Buckthorn contain which is so good for us?
A: Sea Buckthorn contains more than 190 biologically active compounds. Included in these 190 nutrients, many of which being water-soluble cannot be stored by the body and are essentially required by the human body every single day, are Vitamins and minerals and, Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9, 42 Lipids, Organic Acids, Amino Acids, Folic Acid, Tocopherols, Flavonoids and antioxidants.

Q: Why Have We Not Heard Of Sea Buckthorn As Yet?
A: Until very recently Sea Buckthorn products have not been commercially available in India and elsewhere in the world. The awareness regarding Sea Buckthorn and its immense benefits is however growing daily. Extensive research findings are being published regularly from various parts of the world such as USA, Russia, Germany and India and this is generating a great deal of awareness regarding the immense benefits of Sea Buckthorn.



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