Partha Sarkar, Founder & CEO

joined him on his influential and leading thought and started to build the platform. He is determined to create people mentally and financially. With Dreamlife, people can begin surviving with their basic needs of food, clothes, education, and much more. Furthermore, Dreamlife is determined to help society to grow and contribute for the development of the country.

Vikash Panwar, Co-Founder & Director

He is a man behind this powerful and excellent thought of starting this project. He understands that how unemployment is destroying talents. He observed that people are not even able to survive with basic needs like food, clothes, education, etc. And by this thought in mind, he thought to start a Dreamlife, a project that helps people to live for their dreams.

They both believe in building the ambience of growth. And this thought of development and building, Dreamlife has now become one of the most reliable e-stores all over the world. Big brands are itself ready to collaborate with this exciting project. Someone has said it right, "When you have a thought; success will come to you."

Despite being working as one of the top 20s eCommerce platforms, Dreamlife is still working on the ground to build and help youngsters to get multiple income sources.

Dreamlife gives a big thanks to all of the cooperation, brands, and people for having trust in us and supporting to achieve our organizational missions and visions.